The day you were born...


Before you were born, you were loved. Mom and dad were told by the doctors that we all had to get a shot. It was the whopping cough shot by the initials Dtap. Actually, this was the first sign that we all loved you before you came to us on June 8, at 6:30 p.m.

Many got the shot early and others in the family waited right before the week you were born. Many were brave and others feared the shot. But we all did because we wanted to keep you safe.

When Tio Jesse heard that mom and dad were going to the hospital on June 7 at 4 p.m. He wanted to be there till you arrived. Tio Jesse was really anxious to see you. The day he heard the news you were in mom's belly was the highlight of his life. As months would pass, Tio Jesse would rub your moms belly hoping to see if you would kick but nothing. You were always still when Tio Jesse wanted to feel you move.

Mom and Dad were very proud of you. They announced you with this picture. You are the baby pumpkin.

Mom would give us all updates on how big you were growing inside her.

But when the day came that we heard you would be coming out, that was the day all of us learned what the word Anticipation really meant. Mom and dad went in the hospital on June 7 at 4 p.m. Everybody was doing their thing that Sunday but when night fell we were ready to jump to go see you be born if we got the text from your dad. But no text was sent through the night. Grandma Valdez woke up at 2:30 a.m. to text your dad. The hole you were supposed to come out of was still too small. It was only 4.5 cm. So everyone went about their day.

But just so you know Grandma Ogo stayed all night in the hospital with your mom and dad. She really wanted to see you come soon. Great Grandma couldn't sleep at all that night either. She was so worried that it was taking you too long to come out.

The Valdez tribe went to work. Your  Tio Jesse, Tio Christopher and future Tia Debra went to work. But not Grandpa Valdez, he took off of work to wait till you came. Grandma Valdez stayed home painting her nails so they would look pretty when she held you in her arms. She also watched Kdramas, too because she wanted to keep her mind occupied.

At last at noon, dad texted Grandma Valdez that you might be here around 2 p.m. So
Grandma Valdez started rounding everybody up. She texted Tio Chistopher and called Great Grandma because she was at the community center eating with her elderly friends. She had to go pick up Tio Jesse who was grinning ear to ear when he got out of work early because of you. Grandpa and Grandma showered because we didn't want to be smelly.  Everybody got so excited because we were going to see you soon. So we thought...See you may not remember but coming out of that small hole from mom's body isn't an easy task. You were a big baby.

We took our time getting to the hospital because your dad said to just take your time. So we did and stopped at Bill Miller's for lunch. Tio Jesse said that everytime it's your birthday that we should go eat Bill Miller's and make it a tradition.

Both sides of the family were there. Your Uncle Frank and Aunt Amy and Grandpa and Grandma Ogo were there too. They looked tired because there were there since lunch time.

Grandma Ogo was really tired. When Grandma and Grandpa Valdez arrived everybody hugged each other and the waiting game began. You were not coming and all of us were starting to get worried in our own way. Grandpa Ogo would get up and walk, Grandma Ogo and Grandma Valdez would go to the nurses station once in a while to ask how things were going. On the way back from one of the trips, Grandma Ogo would bend down next the door where your mom and dad were; to listen. She would carefully stand still hoping to hear you cry. See if she could here a cry, she knew that you were already out of that tiny hole.

Nope, you were not coming. Then dad text and said that you were facing the wrong way. In order to get out of the hole, you needed your face to go down and you were facing up. BTW, why did you do that? Were you still talking with Jesus? Regardless, we were all getting worried.

Nothing was happening. Then we got a text that you might need to come out a different way. Not though the tiny hole but through an opening near your 'hinny'. This is called a C-section. This really worried us all because this is a dangerous way to come out. Everybody in the family took turns going into the little chapel at the hospital. We all prayed for you to come safely with mom. We all were really nervous but didn't want to show it.

Uncle Frank and Grandma Ogo were outside your door around 5 p.m. when they could hear the nurses and dad shouting like if they were at a football game. Dad was saying, "PUSH, PUSH!" See mom had to help you out by pressing on you so you could come out and see us. It was a lot of work. Mom hadn't had food or water for a long time. She was going 24 hours without nothing except that bag of clear juice they were giving her through her vein on her hand. That's called an IV. Ouch that hurts when they put that on mom.

Uncle Frank recorded those cheers that the staff and dad were shouting to mom to help you get out, on his cellphone.

But I think that this didn't help Grandma Ogo at all. She started to cry. See mom didn't want Grandma Ogo to see her helping you come out. She just wanted dad by her side. But Grandma Ogo was only thinking of her little girl having to do such a very hard job of bringing you into this world. That's what moms do. We want to protect our babies but there are times we can't always do that. This was one of those times.

Grandpa Valdez, Tio Jesse and Tio Alex were all out eating at Sonic. Grandpa Ogo wanted someone to check on the dogs and since they were going that way, they did him a favor to go check. However, Bear and Panda wouldn't let them near them. Panda was especially vicious. She was guarding your house till you came home.

While they were away was when we got the text that YOU were HERE! We all breathed a sigh of relief. Great grandma especially. She was worried about you for three whole days.

They washed you up, they weighed you and they made sure you were ok but you were not quite ok. You had to go to a special room called the Nic Unit. It was a dark room with little beds for babies that were just born, like you. See you had fever, mom did too. Mom was so tired but starving. She asked Tio Frank to get her a burger. Tio Frank went like a flash to get it for her. After she ate, mom went fast asleep. It was very, very, hard work.

Dad was so happy and proud. He came out to the waiting area and told us we could go see you but only one by one. Each of us went quietly into the tiny dark room where you were just laying with your eyes wide open. Yeah, you would listen to each of us say something you had never heard before but dad was right there by you. You recognized his voice. You kept moving your mouth like you really want some of that burger mom had eaten before. Grandma Valdez got teary eyed because she thought you were so cute and precious.

After everybody went to say "Hi" we all left one by one. Tio Christopher and soon to be Tia Debora were the last ones.

But Grandma Valdez was sad because Grandpa Valdez and Tio Alex couldn't say hi to you that night. They left just a few minutes before dad came out to take us one by one. See Grandpa Valdez works very hard. It was so hard for him to stay awake anymore because he had to go to work the next day. Tio Alex was tired but I think he really wanted to see you. However, he help to drive your Grandpa Valdez home.

Grandpa Valdez and Tio Alex will see you soon too.

It was a long day for us all, each in his own way waited and longed for you to make your entrance to this world. This world is a bit crazy Oakley but God gave you two great parents that will help you though it just like the day you came through that tiny hole.

Love you,
Grandma Valdez


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