Hearing a Foreign Language When I Wake

          A strange thing is happening when I wake up in the mornings. I hear Korean words that linger in my brain after sleeping during the night. It's weird. I don't know what they mean but the dialect is in there, since I listen to Kdramas everyday. I have a few words I've learned by hearing it so much. Actually I learned Spanish at the age of twelve by watching Telenovelas with my mom. But was able to express it faster since I had my grandma and aunts who spoke it. I may never speak fluent Korean but I can catch the dialect when someone speaks it. In Corpus, there were a group of women fishing, I knew it was Korean; not Chinese or Japanese. My corner store is own by a Korean and his family speaks it. I pass by them and catch a few words. I have always found it amazing how a person can learn six languages. Wow! How many can you speak?


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