Miracles Would Abound!

As I peeked into the physician's office, it looked like a bedroom. I could vividly see everyone on their knees chanting in Hebrew and praying over their loved one that was very ill.

If I had a drawing pad, I could have sketched this scene from the dream I had this week. I suppose it was a result of a Show and Tell item a sweet seven-year-old girl endearingly brought to the classroom. She wanted to share with everyone the special prayer shawl that her papa brought her from Isreal.
With her dainty little fingers, she pulled it out of the pillowcase embroidered fabric. She laid it on herself with the Hebrew words that were engraved on the hem. Her gracefulness touched me as I watched her display it.

The dream brought a vivid memory of when my neighbor down the street had invited me to Passover at the Hilton hotel. Mind you she wasn't Jewish. But she had friends who belong to the Messianic Jews who had offered her tickets and she chose me to join her that night. I didn't know the blessing I was going to receive that night.

I'll never forget the excitement of that evening and the traditions that were observed. Each table had a representative that led the prayer over the meal. At our table was a special site God wanted me to observe. There was an elderly man who invited his twenty-year-old grandson. The grandson had piercings everywhere. Plus tattoos that lined his arms up and down. But it was their love for each other that astounded me. Grandpa was so loving and endearing to him. He wasn't scolding or admonishing him. He was just so happy that he was there sharing this meal with him.

I felt like I had stepped back in time. The chanting of prayers and the meal itself awakened my soul but nothing like when they began to dance to God. I could have fallen to my knees in the joy of having found Heaven.

At that moment, I the long non-denomination Christian who was born into  Catholicism could have converted to Judaism. The reverence and the ethereal feeling of that night were beyond miraculous. It was a feeling like God was there amidst His people. Which I believe He truly was.

In our contemporary lives these days we don't gather around a person until they are extremely ill and ready to leave this Earth. I think to myself how wonderful it would be for those who are ill to have family surround them with great faith just like what I saw in my dream in The Physicians office. Miracles would abound!


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