The Alien is Gone!

There was one night that a group of us moms got together with our teen kids. It was more a social outing for them to meet each other. We were discussing how our teens can really be horrible at times.

Then one mom mentioned how the alien invades our kids around the age of twelve. I sort of chuckled with this theory but after raising four sons, I'm here to agree with her.

Wow, when my youngest son was thirteen, things were just not going well. He was like a hermit and seemed extremely miserable. I'd tell him son; nothing is keeping you here in this house in that room. Go on a bike ride, go somewhere, do something! But he would just play video games on and on. It really was a strange time for him. This lasted quite a long time and as time went by so was the weight. He wouldn't move so the weight was creeping on. I could tell he was miserable but as a mom there is so much you can do.

I even took him to the doctor. Of course the doctor gave his medical advise and many U.S. doctors always think a pill is the answer. He was depressed but he himself choose not to see a psychiatrist.

So as a Christian mom, I prayed. Well, the power of prayer, got him to finally get himself to exercising at age seventeen. Those were four long years of being unhappy and living in a virtual world.

As he began his fitness journey, he was beginning to deal with his depression. Anxiety and depression lurks in our family. It is an ever ending battle for me who has had to be medicated.
Actually both sides of our family struggle with this issue.

I have helped advise him with how I have handled it all these many years. Twenty minutes of outdoor sunlight and exercise are medicine for me. Plus, that blue pill is a plus but really doesn't make you giddy at all.

However, back to my son, who is now more at peace than before. He is now studying in college and although at times he struggles with the anxiety; he knows what to do.

Just last week he sat with me for breakfast and said, "Mom, I love you." with tears rolling down his face. He said he could finally see how blessed he was to have dad and I to help him through his life journey. He gave me the warmest hug that no mom could ever forget and find priceless.

He is now nineteen.

The Alien is Gone, finally!


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