Why can't I shake things off?

I've been really dealing with learning to become stress-free. Which actually is my constant battle every day. However, I will say that most of it has been due to being a mother of four sons. As mothers, you can't just shake things off, even after they are grown up.

Sure if you don't think about them, maybe this method would work. At times I find having homeschooled my children a problem. I hate to admit this. I loved on them so much but now it's just hard not to think of them.

Maybe if my hard-working husband had been home part of the time to lend a hand I may not feel this way. My husband would work twelve to fourteen-hour shifts most of the time. Which meant, I ran my children to all the sports practices and games myself. They were in fencing, baseball, and soccer. My two oldest were in boy scouts too. Now that I look back, was I crazy?

I can't get over how many years I'd feel so exhausted from teaching other children, then my own, keeping the house (I didn't do a very good job with this.), recreational activities; plus, church activities.

I frankly think I caused my own stress. I wish at times there had been Youtube in those days. I see so many women giving advice to each other. Had I known some of these tips and tricks, I think I'd not have felt alone and been sane.

With the constant pressure of being the best mom, I think of what is most important. I should have just loved more instead of running around like a chicken without a head. So now, years of having done this have me struggling physically and mentally to let things go.

So I ask myself, "Why can't I shake things off? I know. Now I need to find the steps to take daily to do this. Yes, exercise and eat right is what we are told but it is the conscious act of letting go. I've been reading a book, "How to stop stressing and start living" by Dale Carnegie. I have to say it was the best book my husband every picked up from a thrift store.

This book hit's the nail on the head in so many areas. It suggests what to do, too. This month I'm not only giving up bread to lose weight (that's not in the book) but learning to relax. It says we can conscientiously think to relax. I always seem to have a clenched jaw. It's a wonder I don't suffer from severe headaches. But I'm aware of it now, so I'm giving it a go to stop and let go.

It's time to move forward and start shaking things off.


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