The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.

There are times that being mom can be a difficult thing. Not many people are aware that I have a son who was hospitalized four years back. He was diagnosed as schizophrenic paranoid. That in itself is is an unforgettable night. Maybe one day I'll blog about that night which turned our world upside down and then right side up again.

But the issue is that after he was medicated my son no longer worshiped in church with the fervor he used to. We are a Christian family and attend a non-denominational church. When we were going through this time in our lives we were unsure which church we would attend. Presently, we attend a very contemporary Christian church with many young families, college students, and an array of people of different ethnic backgrounds. I like it and so did my son who was ill. He is twenty-five now and because he feels secure when we ALL go together, I made this choice even though my husband and I may have gone to a totally different church.

Regardless, everyone was doing well and participating in the worship and then my third son came home to us after being away one year on his own. He came home stressed out and depressed.

His return changed the dynamics of which church to attend because he prefers the more charismatic Christian church over the contemporary modern one that my twenty-five year old feels comfortable.

Now you may say, why worry about this if your sons are twenty-one and over? This is true.

Where is dad in all this decision-making?

Well, dad has a job that doesn't allow him to join us each Sunday like 30 years ago. Two years ago, this job caused a ripple in our Sunday routine.

So, now, I have this dilemma. Which church do we go to?

I feel a responsibility to both sons because the youngest son could care less. LOL

I want everyone to be happy and be spiritually fed because they all need it. This is what I mean about to be mom or not to be mom; that is the question.

In my heart, I know that I must make sure that my twenty-five year old attends service. It may not be every Sunday and because of his age, I do not force him in any way. It is a time that is special because we are all together. He loves this and so do I.

For now our compromise is to go occasionally to the charismatic christian service but we are members of the contemporary christian one for the sake of my twenty-five year old son. I pray God I see him worship as he once did before; freely and with his hands in the air. I think the meds took that away from him but I do know we serve a BIG God. There was a reason for this all.

The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.


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