Paperwork Day

I have always wondered what would happen tomorrow if I died today? Why? Well, all this paperwork that needs to be filed for every member of my family. These are ALL guys and no one puts anything in any kind of order.

Everyday is paper everywhere.

I can't stand my desk or top of my bedroom dresser because of all the paperwork. I have boxes and boxes of it. Oh, yeah, now I'm eco-friendly. Instead of boxes I have those reuse bags.

Nevertheless, I continue to pile up paper.

I am now trying a binder technique to keep everything for each member of the family in order. However, even that is getting ridiculous. I have a red bag for our taxes with two binders in it and a green bag for my older son. I will need a yellow and an orange one for my other two sons. Maybe color coding may help.

I've tried your traditional file cabinet but that is a huge mess.

I wish I had a file clerk just to do all my paperwork. I never get caught up because I still have to be mom and cook and clean. sigh


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