The Goblin

Lately, I've been receiving emails from Guidelines for Living a daily Christian devotional on suicide.

It's strange because I just finished re-watching "The Goblin" on Dramafever. Although, many Christians may judge me for watching this show. I think it had a beautiful way of letting people know how God dealt with this aspect of suicide.

One of the characters in the show happened to be a grim reaper. Unlike the scary type we know as holding a sickle in his hand and wearing a dreary black gown, these were handsome men who dressed in nice suits and wore a black hat that made them invisible. They would walk the Earth just waiting for when someone to reach their time to leave.

The writer of this drama was rather creative on how God punished people who committed suicide. He had them become grim reapers. Part of their journey was that they couldn't remember their past. They wondered never knowing what their true identity was.  Their job was to guide the dead souls to the door that lead up the stairs to Him. They would meet at the point where the person died. Sometimes you would find them standing at a bus stop. There were several of them because each held an envelope in their hand with the name of the person that was about to pass. After the person passes, they were invited to tea. It was a choice to drink it or not. The tea would allow the deceased to forget their past lives before heading to God. Frankly, it isn't scary except for one particular fiend but isn't that how these dramas go?

All of this is in a contemporary setting with moving background music that can bring you to tears. I thought it was an entertaining drama.

I just find it interesting how these writers of these dramas think of these stories. This one is a romantic one with so many twists and turns. Check it out on, The Goblin.


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