Six Vaccines? That's Crazy!

Today as I was scrolling Facebook and noticed an article about how an infant had suddenly died within twenty-four hours due to a series of vaccines, it quickly reminded me of an incident that happened twenty-five years ago.

When I used to take my sons to the local city-clinic, it would be an all-day affair. I'd pack a few toys, snacks, drinks and plenty of diapers. This was back when the internet was yet to be in everyone's home. We did have local television viewing. At the time, I enjoyed watching documentaries or just different medical information in the daily news updates.

Every month it seemed like I was going to the clinic because I had four sons. So either we were at the dentist or getting medical exams. On one of those days, I was sitting with a young Spanish speaking mom. She had been told that they were going to give her child six vaccines.

These nurses were instructed to give parents who brought their babies into the clinic occasionally, to strongly insist that their infants have all their shots. Meaning if they were behind, then give them everything to catch up and record it. Which in my opinion was crazy!

I know this because I was approached with the same issue too. However, I told them "No". I firmly stated, " I will bring my child back next month." I only allow them to give my infant two at a time." I rationalized, how could you see if anything reacted if you gave a child a bunch of injections at once. How could these educated people not see it too?

So having noticed the troubled mother sitting next to me, I quietly asked her, "Que pasa?" I wanted to know what was distressing her.

After she shared what the nurse told her, I mentioned how she had the right to say "NO!". I went on explaining that too many at once could be dangerous. She shyly agreed.

I shared with her how I would strongly state to the nurse my stance and encouraged her to do the same. Of course, I was extremely worried about what it could do to my own baby because all of the information that was in the media was frightening.

After all these years, I hope that I was able to convince this concerned mom to build up her confidence to say no to those nurses that day. I am grateful that speaking another language may have helped to save a life.


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