Whose richer?

Back in the day when I lived on Santa Anna St. we lived in a humble home. It was a two bedroom with one bath; nothing fancy. What mattered was it was our home. At this time we had one son and life was pretty normal. Hubby and I were both working and the baby went to daycare across the street. We were a happily married couple with their baby.

One sweltering hot summer, I could hear laughter outside. It was the neighbors across the street.
They were all outside with unmatched chairs, talking up a storm, I presume stories of their past and maybe of how things were at work that week. Now you may be thinking what's so unusual about that?

Well, there were about five adults and four children living in the garage. Yep, this was a garage. To me it was more like a shed. They didn't live in the main house. Actually, I never saw those neighbors from the main house, in the eleven years we lived there. These people were so happy on this horridly hot evening with their children running around playing; while we were comfortably laying in our bed watching television with the air-conditioning on full blast.

I rolled over to my husband with this pensive thought. I said, hon, listen. Whose richer? He replied, "What do you mean?" Is it us with the ac indoors or them outside in the heat laughing and telling stories? I told him to think about how people today with their two story homes have a television in every room and cool air-conditioning going on, but no one talks to each other (this was before everyone had cellphones and that's another story).

I realized that they were richer. Although, they didn't have a big house, they had each other. They were closer in relationship because they talked and shared their lives. While people with everything sit in front of the televisions and say nothing at all.

If this be the case, I want to be rich like those people. I want to laugh and share and connect with people. Being rich doesn't always involve money. One can have so much money and still not have the richness of life we were meant to have.


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