Get over it, hon

I have to admit that I have had a difficult time in my life trusting anyone to how I truly feel inside. Even my own husband may not know everything. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy but then again he's a guy. LOL.

Well, it's true, we all have different points of view in thinking. Because men are wired differently, I figure that's why they listen to you but really think you should "Get over it, hon."

As a woman, it's not that easy.

Then again, women are a totally different spectrum. As the years have gone by, now fifty-five, not being able to trust my true feelings with anyone. I've been conditioned to not to be me. That's why my favorite quote is "To Be or Not To Be" by William Shakespeare. We can't really tell other woman, "Hey, you're really need to loose weight." OMG, you'd be out the door with blood on your face.

Yet, I find myself fat because I can't share what I truly feel inside. I keep everything bottled up.

Living in the city there is no mountain to climb to be able to yell out into the nothingness what's bugging you, like on the Kdramas, I am so used to watching.

Which brings me to another issue. So many of us women, would rather be playing Candy Crush, Farmville or watching dramas all day long to console ourselves with what we really feel inside.

I envy women who have best friends and can share stuff. But I can bet you a thousand to one, they still hide secrets about themselves from one another. We all do.

I have a locker full of junk in my heart. I think to myself if only I could yell it all out, I'd feel better.
Maybe it's time to put on the hiking shoes and start training to climb that mountain.

In the words of my cousin, "We'll see Bobby, we'll see."


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