Former Farmville Fan



             About eight years back, all I did was sit at a computer and play Farmville. I loved that game so much that I would diligently work that farm for hours. I would go plant the seed, water and then harvest. I'd earn tractors and tillers to get the job done faster. I had farms of all kinds. Farms in Japan, Australia, Hawaii, El Dorado, Tuscany, Maine, Enchanted Forest and so many other places in the world. It was like going to places that I had never dreamed of but must have subconsciously wanted to visit because I did this for five years.

            If you asked me to learn something new, I'd scrunch my face and say, "No, way!"

           See there was a period in my life that I would just zone out. I had a husband who worked constantly and then my four sons were coming of age as men. For years I cared for everyone. Because I homeschooled them, I was always concerned if they were learning something. Those years had passed and they were all now in college and moving on with their lives. My first and third sons found their brides and left our home. Now I was left in limbo.

         But one day as I was scrolling Facebook, my niece had posted a link to Coursera. This was an online learning site. Something happened that day because I began to just look at what they had to offer. When I discovered a course Get It Together Teacher. Being a teacher and feeling like I couldn't handle all that was being expected. I had a go at it. Frankly, it spurred a learning frenzy in me that I had lost. It's rather weird. I couldn't seem to satiate that urge to study.

          Then, I went on to learn about Geology, Botany and other courses that were going to help me be a better teacher. I found myself catching up with the times. I now was learning Virtual Teaching in the Classroom and other courses.

          One day as I noticed an ad on Facebook about teaching English to children in China. At the time, I felt like I wasn't able to continue all the running around I was doing locally being a contracted teacher. I began thinking maybe this would make a good plan B and one day be able to stay home completely. So I applied.

          The enrollment process involved numerous documents to read and a plethora of videos to review on how to teach English. Regardless, I persevered to the end. Sent all the formal documentation needed to be employed and after two intense weeks to cram everything into my fifty-four-year-old brain, I managed to start teaching!           

           I am now entering my third year with the company. Enjoying the experience of teaching English. Of course, not every day is roses but I am thrilled to open the portal to a world that is across the ocean. I've almost completed my TESOL certification which it is taking me two years. Slow and steady wins the race, I say.

          Now I'm moving on to virtually teaching a whole classroom of children in China in real time. A new challenge is ahead of me. There are more videos to watch and techniques to learn but I'm doing it. I don't have time anymore to farm. I'm learning again and am happy. I love teaching, it's my World!

Happy New Year!
If you are interested in teaching English to children in China, please use my link.


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