Whirlwind into teaching English in China

Where do I begin? Life has taken a few turns lately and even more coming. I recently have started a new teaching adventure. Actually, about a year ago, I decided that I was rather lacking in current methods of teaching.

I had started about eight years back teaching students online. I actually started a Science curriculum online but frankly, it never really took off. Yet, the idea has always stayed in my head.

A niece of mine introduced me to Coursera where you can take online courses and I noticed that I was really enjoying learning through this style of teaching. So I took several courses to refresh my knowledge of various Sciences.

Then one day my eye was caught by the title Virtual Education through Technology.

Being, I so love teaching because it is who I am. I began to notice that my body isn't as young as it was. I was devasted in March 2016 when I was walking with a cane. It brought me to thinking, what am I going to do if I can no longer walk?

So I endeavored to study online. I realized how behind the times I was and how much there was for educators these days. Google Education and MOOCs were just tidbits to the plethora of resources.

Now that my keen eye was noticing various opportunities I continued my studies but then I noticed on Facebook an ad that said to teach children English in China.

Huh, is this something I really want to do? I honestly wasn't sure.

So what was it that whirlwind me into that direction? It was the fact my mom seemed more and more to age in front of my eyes. With this in mind, I knew I had to find a way to work and be more available to her, too.

So the adventure began and before I knew it I was teaching children in CHINA!!!

Who would have thought?

I am happy to say I love it. It was a challenge to learn many new methods and technology to just do the job. I'm proud to say this fifity-six-year-old woman managed to pass the interview, practicums, and tests. So many people have tried applying and have not been accepted. I am privileged and appreciative of this opportunity in my life.

Thank God for all He has brought me through and this has changed my attitude and has made me happy.

Interested in teaching children English in China? Here's the link https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=2500516


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