Life goes on...

One day I woke up in excruciating knee pain. Not sure where it came from but all I know was I didn't want to run to the hospital. It was weird because it wasn't even the correct knee that I've been struggling with for almost five years. It was the other one. Beats me what I did. I haven't fallen or bumped anything.

Strange, huh? Well, to avoid a doctor visit I decided I'd swim. I had been walking at various parks but it wasn't fast enough to loose any weight like I wanted to.

I was up to walking three miles every other day down before Christmas in 2015 but I lost my mojo. Yep, I just felt sad and depressed. Can't really say what it was. Well, I guess I can. It was the fact that my hubby and I are aging together and with that comes it's issues. He's a hard working man and I was seeing him deteriorate in front of my eyes. The fact he didn't want to take his blood pressure medication wasn't helping. So frankly, I was setting my self up for living alone. That about sums up why I felt like that.

Well, you can't lead a horse to water if they don't want any so I just left my hubby alone and prayed. In the meantime, I was having to deal with this pain in the knee.

It's been a month now and I've been doing therapy and doing all I can to move and help it heal. It is taking it's old sweet time but I am seeing all the cellulite turn into muscle; gradually. Oh, sure I have years to go to get these legs in shape but I will tell you that I now understand why my knees are yelling out.

Everytime I climb out of the pool on the handicap ramp, I can feel every pound of flesh above my knee as I ease my way out. It's a sad situation. But hey, there is hope.

I, at times do get discouraged, but I have purpose. I am glad to rave that my hubby has chosen to take his meds after all. I believe prayer can perform miracles. He had been coming home and gasping for air and getting dizzy. I think he must of had an episode at work one day. He just decided to start taking them. I was so happy. Life goes on for both of us. Yeah!


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