
This weekend has been sad for me. Why?
Well, my son and his wife took off for their six anniversary get-a-way. I know I should be rejoicing and shouting from the mountain tops that they have a good marriage. It's just that they left without saying where or when they were going.

Sure, I knew from Facebook and from my youngest son who talked with his older brother during the week prior but still it wasn't the same. It was as though Dad and I were unimportant. At least that is how I felt.

For a couple of generations now, it was known you told your parents if you went away to another city or country. Why? Well, for a farewell blessing. But neither one of them said anything. It really broke my heart.

To add salt to injury, they asked my third son to house sit. He too, left without saying, "Mom, I'll be house sitting. See you soon." NOTHING!

What am I? lambchops?

I always say "Motherhood is not for the faint of heart".  You do so much to provide and give them the best but they don't look back.

Yes, you want them to be happy and prosper in this world but you also want them to remember you even if it is now and then.

This technological world we live in really doesn't allow parents and children to communicate verbally. It's all texting and social media. They figured I knew and all was well. But it wasn't.

I have had a profound sadness this weekend. I am trying to "Let it Go!" But tears well up and I sigh.


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