The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.
There are times that being mom can be a difficult thing. Not many people are aware that I have a son who was hospitalized four years back. He was diagnosed as schizophrenic paranoid. That in itself is is an unforgettable night. Maybe one day I'll blog about that night which turned our world upside down and then right side up again. But the issue is that after he was medicated my son no longer worshiped in church with the fervor he used to. We are a Christian family and attend a non-denominational church. When we were going through this time in our lives we were unsure which church we would attend. Presently, we attend a very contemporary Christian church with many young families, college students, and an array of people of different ethnic backgrounds. I like it and so did my son who was ill. He is twenty-five now and because he feels secure when we ALL go together, I made this choice even though my husband and I may have gone to a totally different church. Regardless, everyone...