Not for the faint of heart...

Many times I tell people that motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Today was one of those examples. I was so torn to go to a plant exchange or stay home with my 15 year old that was running fever. Sigh
Many would say you are a horrible mom if you leave him and yet I did.
I asked him if he wanted to go to the doctor. He looked miserable and had tears in his eyes.
I had already decided I would take him to the doctor even though we would definitely have a long wait in the Express Med clinic which is by no means "express".
However, I gave him some IBs and waited a 15 mins. Then asked him, son how do you feel. " I feel a lil better, mom." Still torn. I asked him did he want me to go. He said, "Yes, mom, go." He knows how much I love plants.
I ended up going knowing his dad was home but frankly knew he didn't have the motherly love my son needed at the time.

Well, I went but to tell you the truth, I was so stressed out. I did come home with more plants than I left with but was happy my son looked alot better.

Daily we face these turmoils of motherhood. It's not for the faint of heart; that's for sure.


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